Cllr. Anne Meadows

BH2021/04303 – 13 Cuckmere Way


16th December 2021:

I am writing in support of the planning application above for a number of reasons which I will outline below.


1.    In B&H we have a problem with costly homes therefore moving can be a terrible financial burden on families which is why so many families are staying put, going up into their roofs to enable their family to grow rather than moving with all the attendant costs.


2.    This planning application needs the window configuration at the rear of the property to ensure there is useable living space within the roof area. Where the eaves are long there is not much useable, and actual living space within the area of roof therefore it needs the dormers so that this space can be utilised into a living/bed space.


3.    There is no overlooking into the other properties with this planning application as the side window does not overlook the neighbour’s any more than any other window in the property. In addition, this small side window could be conditioned to obscure glazing if this is a sticking point for approval.


4.    This application will not be out of place in the street scene as it sits below the roofline and will not be incongruous as many of these bungalows in Cuckmere Way have had recent conversions into their roofs.


If this planning application is not approved by planners, I would like it to go to the Planning Committee for decision where I could have the opportunity to speak to it.